Thursday, March 19, 2020

Distributed Energy Production Essays

Distributed Energy Production Essays Distributed Energy Production Essay Distributed Energy Production Essay Distributed Energy Production Name: Course: Date: Distributed Energy Production Abstract This report reviews the costs associated with the use of green energy sources. In particular, it focuses on the use of solar and wind power. The report explains the methods used in the research as well as the results obtained after the research was concluded. From these results, several conclusions are made based on the viability of the sources of energy financially, economically and socially. The laws of the areas under investigation has also been included especially those that directly affect the use of both wind and solar powered energy. The opinions of the citizens relating to the installation of green energy in the area under study have also been raised. From this report, the viability of the green energy campaign has been evaluated and reported based on the area under study, which was in the state of Virginia. Distributed Energy Production 1. Introduction This report analyzes the importance of the utilization of green power. Green power refers to the use of renewable sources of energy as opposed to the non-renewable sources. Renewable sources include the likes of wind power and sunlight. They are essential in the conservation of the environment since they are renewable. This project was initiated to investigate the economic practicality and feasibility of the project in residential estates for example. Practicality will be considered by evaluation of the cost of the green energy. Feasibility on the other hand will address how dependable the use of green energy is in the residential area in question. The report identifies possible methods of how the use of green energy may be used in the area in question, Virginia. 2. Materials and Methods For this project, the materials required were an electric bill from the area under study and an estimate of the cost of the installation of the green energy in the area. This cost estimate obtained will be compared with that of green energy. The calculations done were non-biased in order to minimize the sources of error in the results obtained. Subsequent work took place in the laboratory since most of it involved calculations. These calculations had to be done correctly in order to endure that the results obtained were as accurate as possible to determine the economic viability of the project. They required the determination of the cost for 100% replacement of the energy use in the area under study. 3. Results a) Table representing the electrical usage of the residential site under study in Virginia MonthkWhOct 20111702Nov 20111830Dec 20112306Jan 20122482Feb 20122148Mar 20121740May 20121566Jun 20121699Jul 20121924Aug 20122711Sept 20122677Oct 20121983 b) The total cost for this period illustrated above was $191.64 c) Total cost of replacement of energy use by wind energy The approximate wind energy used was between 15-20 mph. The results will be based on the maximum and minimum values acquired after the calculation. I. Wind Turbine Power attained by the use of the 20 mph wind speed provided yearly= 15298 KWH Amount of power provided in percentage= 716 % Approximate amount of savings per annum=$ 2447.68 II. Wind Turbine Power attained by the use of the 15 mph wind speed provided yearly= 6454 KWH. Amount of power provided per annum= 302% Approximate savings made per year= $1032. 00 III. Total cost of the installation of the wind Turbine Power System in the area under study= $13, 750.00 c) Total cost of replacement using solar energy For solar energy, it was assumed that there was 3days storage to cater for the possibility of the occurrence of cloudy days. Panel battery calculations per household based on the 3800 watt daily usage= 10 solar panels. Cost of a single solar panel= $150.00 Total cost of installation of solar panels=$1500 Total savings obtained with this installation= $2500.00 Total cost of installation in a residential area of about ten families= $15, 000 Economic incentives that may affect the selection of either option include the reliability of the source of energy and the feasibility of the source of energy to the selected area. In the case of reliability, it will have a substantial effect on the economic situation of the area in question. If the source of energy is unreliable, the productivity of the businesses in the area will be affected as well. On the other hand, the feasibility of the installation of the source of energy refers to how appropriate the energy source is to the area in question. If the installation is not strenuous to the locality, it is feasible. Feasibility of the system is critical to the development of the town and the running of the area in question. The above economic incentives influence the selection process greatly. 4. Discussion From the results obtained, the use of green energy is economically viable since it is affordable even without the provision of government incentives. Conservation strategies like the use of appliances that consume less power may be used in order to decrease the amount of electricity in demand in both administrative and residential areas. In the state if Virginia, the installation of wind turbines is prohibited (Musgrove, 2010). In order to change this, the zoning policies will need to be reviewed to include the installation of the wind turbines. Some localities have decided to modify the laws in their areas of residence to allow the use of green energy. Such localities include Missouri and Texas (Douglas et al, 2009). The public considers wind energy beneficial in the conservation of the environment but the greater majority considers it unreliable. Installation of solar panels is allowed in the state of Virginia. Solar energy is assumed more feasible and reliable than wind energy by the residents of Virginia (Parks, 2010). An impediment to small-scale power generation is the cost that is associated with it. Power generation is very expensive since it requires the acquisition of new machinery that is costly. Distributed, on-site generation of solar or wind power will not be economically, legally and socially acceptable to the majority of the people in the area under study. This is mostly because of their reliability. These sources of energy are not reliable when compared to the power generated by fossil fuel. For this reason, the installation of these green sources of energy in the area in question will be faced with a lot of opposition especially from the business people in the area.

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