Sunday, September 22, 2019

User Centered Design Essay Example for Free

User Centered Design Essay The Liveperson website communicate their purpose very well because the website shows important elements that a website needs to make the website efficient. There are five key elements in order to that may be identified: The Liveperson website shows their company brandmark on the upper-left corner of the website in a normal size very easy to see by the human eye. In the same way the website has in the middle of the page an explicit tagline that reads: â€Å" Liveperson creates meaningful, realtime customer connections that help businesses increase conversions and improve consumers experience,† which summarizes what the company does. Also, the website shows in the middle of the page a photo slider, with their news and more important services to offer. Then, the website shows at the top and at the bottom of the page the main navigation bar, which includes links to other information found on the website. To finalize this point, the home page is different from the other pages on the site but maintains the same font, color palette and design, making the website very consistent. Communicating Information about the company. The second point of this analysis talks about the communicating of information about the company. The website communicate very well their information too. As the first point, the website shows many of the important elements of this point, which makes a website efficient. Among this point we have: The website homepage has a link called â€Å"About Liveperson,† which includes information elements such as: â€Å"our culture, our partner, investor relations, careers and contacts us.† In the same way, at the end of the website we can see the same link with the same information elements. Then, the website has in their main navigation bar a press room link, used for press purposes, showing the most important company headlines. Also, the website, has a privacy policy link at the bottom of the homepage, which include the privacy policy of the company, but does not include internal company information. Content Writing. The writing content of the website is very effective and doesn’t use clever phrases and marketing lingo, making the writing content very readable and easy to understand. Also, all the writing content is written in sentence case and uses a consistent capitalization. Archives and Accessing Past Content. The website doesn’t have an access to past content. Links. The links work perfectly, are different one from each other, and are very scannable. Also the site doesn’t use the word â€Å"link† to indicate links on the page. Navigation. The primary navigation is located in a highly noticeable place, grouping items for the same category link, and doesn’t use made-up words for category navigation choices. Search. The website doesn’t have a search box. Tools and task shortcuts. The website offer direct access to high priority tasks. It includes a chat room, that offers the opportunity to chat with a company representative. Graphic and animations. The website shows the graphic elements in an appropriate way. For example, it shows graphics with real content and displays them ina good size, avoiding watermarks and animation of critical elements of the page such as logo or tag line. Graphic Design. In the graphic design part, the website is very consistent, using the same color palette and two different fonts which works very well. Additionally, the background color and the font color make a highly contrast, making the content very readable and not over loaded for the human eye. The most critical elements of the website are very visible, using their brandmark in a judicious way. The website is presented in vertical scrolling. UI Widgets. The website shows widgets for print and to connect to social network sites such as facebook, twitter, youtube, google, and linkedln. Window Titles. In the windows titles, the website includes a short description of the site, and the windows titles on the website are less than eight words. URLs. The URL is shown in a good way, showing as News and Press releases. The News and Press releases section shows the headlines in a succinct and descriptive way. It includes a summary of the headline story, and at the bottom of the story shows a link that reads, â€Å"For more information visit,† to show the complete story headline. Pop up windows and staging pages. The website only allows one pop up window for the chat room. The chat room pop up window appears once, then users have the opportunity to close or leave open. Advertising. The website only make advertises of their products, making the website more professional. Welcomes. The website doesn’t use welcome messages on the site. Credits. The website doesn’t have a credit link, which makes references to the designers of the website. It only shows the awards that the site has won in the Press releases link. Page Reload and Refresh. The website doesn’t refresh the pages automatically. Customization. The website doesn’t offer customizations. Gathering Customer Data. The website only gather customer data in the chat room section. Fostering community. The website offers a link called customer community, which allows users to post in a blog comments and questions. Dates and Times. The website doesn’t show date and time. Stock Quotes and Displaying Numbers. The website doesn’t show stock quotes and or display numbers. Align decimal points when showing columns of numbers. The website doesn’t show columns of numbers.

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